Of Salvation

We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:7) and His resurrection (Eph. 2:6) provide the only ground for justification and salvation (Rom. 5:8-11) for all who believe, and only such as receive Jesus Christ as Savior are born of the Holy Spirit, and thus become children of God (John 1:12; 3:3, Eph. 2:8-9).

Of Church Ordinances

We believe that water baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances to be observed by the Church (Matt. 3:13-17; Acts 8:36-39; I Cor. 11:23-29). They are not, however, to be regarded as means of salvation (Eph. 2:9).

Of the Church

We believe that the true Church is composed of all such persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ, have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:8) and are united together in the body of Christ of which He is Head (Rom 8:9; Col. 1:18).

Of End Times

We believe in the personal coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (I Thess. 4:13-18). and that great hope of always being with the Lord has a vital bearing on the personal life and service of the believer (1 John 2:28-29; Titus 2:13). We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead; of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord (II Cor. 5:8; Rev. 22:3-5); of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment in hell (II Thess. 1:8-9; Rev. 20:11-15).

Of Marriage

We believe that the only Scriptural marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. (Gen. 2:24; Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7:10; Eph. 5:22-33) We believe that marriage is an institution created by God in which one man and one woman commit themselves to each other in covenant for life. (Gen. 2:24; Rom. 7:2; Mal. 2:14). We believe that a person’s gender is determined by God as evidenced by their reproductive organs at birth (Gen. 1:27).